Wednesday 18 December 2013

Hinterstoder SG

     Yesterday (17.12) the organizers decided to make 2 Super-G races to start off the races in Hinterstoder with. For me it was not a good day result wise but a good one learning wise. In the first run I was out because I got the wrong line. I did not work enough during the course etc etc. In the second one I corrected was needed to be corrected but unfortunately my ski went off. The binding was set on 17 (170 kg). There was this really important turn where the pressure needed to be stronger than normal. So I did. I guess my ski did not like it so much. Flew right off and I had a spectacular fall at about aprox. 90-80 km/h I would say. But no problem. I was fine, not a scratch. It is actually quite fun to fall when it ends well :). Confident about the Downhill in the next days. My number today was 86 out of 130.

     Ieri (16.12) organizatorii cursei de la Hinterstoder au decis sa inceapa cu 2 concursuri de Super G. Pentru mine nu a fost bun rezultatul dar experianta pretioasa. In prima mansa am iesit din traseu dupa mai multe greseli, nu am fost pe linia buna astfel m-a scos din traseu. A doua a fost mai bine, am corectat ce era de corectat fata de prima insa la un viraj unde presiunea trebuia sa fie mai mare mi-a sarit schiul. Legaturile erau stranse la 17 (170 kg). Am avut o cazatura spectaculoasa (din ce mi s-a spus, eu nu m-am simtit foarte spectaculos) cam la 80-90 km/h insa am scapat fara nici o zgarietura. Sa fiu sincer cazaturile imi plac cat timp se evita accidentarile :). Sunt increzator in legatura cu Coborarile ce vor urma. Numarul meu astazi a fost 86 din 130.

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