Friday, 18 October 2013

Safe Heaven

   As of this week I officially have a new coach and a new team. Mister Hans Frick is a specialized coach in the speed disciplines of alpine skiing. I meet him in December 2012 in Hinterstoder (AUT) at my first Downhill. After that we meet at some other races. We have been talking about the possibility of a colaboration, and this week finally put pen to paper about it. Our team is made from 3 people. The coach (Hans), me and my new teammate Georg Lindner. Georg is from Kitzbuel (austrian 100%) and is currently racing for Moldova ( Besides being a coach, Hans is also the Director of alpine skiing within the Moldova Ski Federation, as well as working in FIS toward the growth of alpine skiing in Eastern Europe.
   Thanks for letting me in guys, hoping for a prolific relationship in the future.

   De saptamana asta am antrenor si echipa. Domnul Frick Hans este specializat pe probele de viteza ale schiului alpin. L-am cunoscut in Decembrie 2012 la prima mea Coborare in Hinstestoder (AUT). Apoi ne-am mai intalnit la cateva curse. Am vorbit inca de pe atunci despre o posibila colaborare, iar saptamana asta contractul a fost semnat. Echipa noastra este formata din 3 persoane. Hans (antrenorul), eu si Georg Lindner, noul meu coechipier. Georg este din Kitzbuel (AUT) insa in acest moment concureaza pentru Moldova ( Pe langa functia de antrenorm, Hans este si directorul tehnic al Federatiei Moldave de Ski,  pe langa asta ocupand si un post in cadrul FIS (Federatia Internationala de Ski) pentru dezvoltarea schiului alpin in Europa de Est.
   Multumesc ca m-ati primit, am incredere ca vom avea o relatie prolifica.

Thursday, 17 October 2013

The Devil's Playground (ROU)

   Multe lucruri s-au intamplat in ultimele saptamani. Insa cel mai important a fost astazi.

   In primul rand, as vrea sa imi cer scuze pentru ca nu am mai scris in ultima perioada. Sunt in Hintertux (AUT) in cantonament si am probleme cu conectarea la internet in locul unde sunt cazat. Acuma am venit la un bar sa pot scrie.

   Dupa cum spuneam, astazi am avut parte de o mare victorie. Nu, nu pe partie. Ca sa pot spune toata povestea, trebuie sa ne intoarcem in Septembrie 2012. In primavara anului 2012 am decis sa ma reapuc de schiul de performanta, dupa ce am renuntat la in 2010. Una din primele probleme, bineinteles, banii. Persoana care conduce sectia de schi alpin la clubul la care eram legitimat (CS Dinamo Bucuresti) mi-a transmis ca clubul nu ma poate sustine in nici un fel. Bine. Nu ma asteptam la altceva. Daca cineva nu crede in tine si in ceea ce vrei sa faci nu te va ajuta, normal. Adevarul adevarat este ca nici nu imi doresc ajutor de la cineva care nu crede in mine. Am inceput cautarile pentru un nou club. Dupa cateva intrebari adresate unor persoane apropiate mie in care am incredere, am fost indreptat catre CSM Sibiu. Am intrebat daca este posibil un transfer. Bineinteles. In Septembrie 2012 am ajuns la club sa vorbesc cu directorul, sa ma prezint, sa imi prezint planurile, sa vedem cu ce ma putea sustine. Am fost incantat de discutie. Mi-a promis 4 perechi de schiuri in Ianuaire. Perfect. Am plecat de acolo foarte fericit, cu promisiunea acelor schiuri. Semnat. Hai sa progresam umpic in timp. Oct-Noi-Dec-Ian (?) -Feb-Mar-Apr-Mai. Un sezon bun. Am descoperit Coborarea. Nu eram sigur de vreo calificare la Olimpiada. Schiurile promise nu le-am vazut. Asta e, m-am descurcat doar cu ajutorul primit de la facultate unde aveam bursa pentru sport nivelul 1 (din nou, multumesc Coventry). Un nou club m-a contactat. O oferta foarte buna. Data era 30 Mai 2013, joi. Vineri era ultima zi din perioada de transferuri (da, si al schi exista perioade de transferuri). Asa ca vineri dimineata m-am infiintat la biroul directorului CSM Sibiu, ca sa imi poata semna doua hartii ca sa ma declare liber. Nici macar o secunda nu m-am gandit la posibilitatea ca el nu va semna, stiind clar ca promisiunile lui nu au fost respectate iar eu la randul meu nu am concurat deloc sub 'culorile' clubului respectiv (nu am avut nici un concurs in tara, iar la concursurile din afara se considera ca mergi pentru tara, nu club). Discutia mea cu domnul director a decurs in felul urmator (nu sunt exact cuvintele dar asta e ideea):

Eu: Am o oferta foarte buna de la un alt club: asta asta asta si asta, am venit sa imi semnati acordul de transfer.
Director: Nu pot sa iti dau drumul acum, in primul rand trebuie sa convoc consiliul clubului ca sa poata aproba transferul, in al doilea rand parca am aveam o intelegere. Am facut un plan. Schiuri si tot.
E: Da, schiurile in ianuarie.
D: Da, in ianuarie!
E: .......Ianuarie a trecut.....?
D: A, nu ianuarie 2013, ianuarie 2014!

Efectiv am inghetat. Nu imi venea sa cred ce aud. Cam dupa 10 minute am plecat de acolo cu coada intre picioare. Nu imi amintesc mare lucru din ce s-a intamplat in acele minute. Incercam sa imi amintesc in detaliu discutia din Septembrie. Cam la jumatate de ora dupa ce am plecat de acolo am realizat ce se intamplase. Stai sa inteleg. Deci eu plec de la un club care nu ma ajuta cu nimic la altul care imi pormite ca ma ajunta peste un an si ceva? Nu. Imposibil. Ori a crezut ca sunt ghips de prost ori minte si cand doarme. Adevarul este ca nu eram pregatit pentru asa ceva. Nici in cele mai urate cosmaruri nu mi-am inchipuit ca nu o sa imi dea drumul, asa ca nu am pregatit absolut nimic pentru un eventual refuz. Perioada de transferuri a trecut. Urmatoarea: 15 Octombrie - 15 Noiembrie 2013. Asa ca urma sa astept pana atunci, cu speranta ca atunci se va rezolva in vreun fel. Incredibil. Asa a inceput o vara foarte stresanta. Din nou, sa progresam pana in prezent. Iun-Iul-Aug-Sep-Oct. Calificat pentru Olimpiada. In momentul in care am aflat ca sunt calificat a fost o senzatie unica. Eram la mine in camera, in Brasov. Singur acasa. Am sarit in sus de bucurie, am tipat, si am plecat in alergare prin casa in speranta ca gasesc pe cineva sa imbratisez. Epic fail. Pana la urma am imbratisat purcelusul de plus. Suficient. Fericirea mea nu a durat mult, pentru ca dupa 5 minute mi-am amintit de problema mea, oferta care mi-a fost facuta si de cel ce nu trebuie numit. Mi-am zis: 'Dracu. Sigur o sa-mi dea drumul acuma...' Bineinteles in acel moment poate aveam varianta sa ma duc acolo sa incerc sa negociez ceva pentru noul sezon avand in vedere Olimpiada si sa o luam de la capat. Nici sa ma tai :). Chiar daca mi ar fi oferit o oferta de 3 ori mai mare decat oricine, nu as mai fi schiat pentru ei. Nu lucrez pentru sau cu rea credinta (sa spunem frumos rea credinta).

   Salvarea mea a venit, din nou, de la Catalin Leonte. Da, acelasi Catalin Leonte care m-a ajutat cu materialele necesare pentru pregatirea schiurilor. M-a intrebat daca as dori sa ma mut la ASC Corona Brasov, club a carei sectie de schi alpin o conduce. Bineinteles...dar transferul. 'Lasa ca vedem ce putem face.' Pot spune cu mandrie ca incepand de astazi, dupa o vara plina de stres (nu in mica parte din cauza clubului), sunt transferat.

   Schiul este un sport costisitor. Poate sa ajunga de la 5000 la 50.000 de euro pe sezon depinzand de obiectivul, ambitiile, nivelulul si posibitatiile fiecaruia concurent in parte. Orice este de ajutor. Buget mai mare, posibilitati mai mari, vise mai mari. Astazi a fost al doilea mare pas ca importanta de cand am decis sa ma reapuc de schi. Primul, desigur, fiind calificarea la Olimpiada.

   Multumesc Catalin Leonte. Incepand de astazi, fac parte din familia ASC Corona Brasov. Ma simt mai increzator ca niciodata. Doar un singur lucru ramane de facut.


The Devil's Playground (ENG)

     A lot of things happened this last weeks. But the most important one was today.

     First of all I would like to apologize for the fact that I did not write in the last period. I am in Hintertux (AUT) training and I have problems connecting to the internet at my current accommodation. I am actually at a bar writing right now.

     As I was saying, today was a great victory for me. No, not on the slope. To tell you the full tale we need to go back to September 2012. In the spring of 2012 I decided to resume skiing, after quitting in 2010. One of my first concerned was, of course, the finances. The man in charge of alpine skiing at the club I was a member of (CS Dinamo Bucuresti)  made it clear I would get no support whatsoever from the club. Fair enough, I expected it. Somebody who dose not believe in you will never help you. Truth be told, I don't want help from people who do not believe in me. The search for a new club began. After asking some people close to me for some advice, I was pointed in the direction of CSM Sibiu. I asked if it was possible, and so it was.In September 2012 I went at the club to meet the director, tell him my goals and see what he could help me with. I was very happy after that discussion. He promised me 4 pairs of skis in January. Perfect. I left his office very happy, knowing the help I was about to get in January. Signed. Now lets fast forward a bit. Oct-nov-dec-jan (?)- feb- mar-apr-may. Good season. Discovered Downhill. It was yet uncertain if I would qualify for the Olympics. The promised skis were nowhere to be seen. Thankfully I managed to have a good season with the help of my university, where I was a Level 1 Sport Scholar (again, thank you Coventry). A new club contacted me, offered me a great deal. The date was 30 may 2013, Thursday. Friday was the day of the transfer window (yes, we also have transfer windows). So naturally Friday morning I was at the offices of CSM Sibiu, so the director could sign some papers making me free and available for the new club. I didn't think, even for a second, that I would have problems there, especially since the club did not give me what was promised and I did not do any race for them (I did no race in Romania and when you race abroad it is considered you are racing for country, not club). My discussion with the director (not exact words but this is the idea):

Me: I have a great offer from another club this this this and this, I came so you could sign my release and allow me to move forward in my career.
Director: I cannot let you go. First off all it would take weeks to call the board and approve your transfer. Secondly, we talked about this. We started to make a plan. The skis and everything.
M: Yes, the skis in January.
D: Yes, January!
M: .........January has passed...?
D: No no no....we didn't  talk about January 2013, we talked about January 2014!
M: .........................................................................

I froze. I could not believe what I was hearing. After about 10 more minutes I left his office with my tail between my legs. I don't remember what happened in those minutes, mainly because I was trying to remember in detail our conversation from September. After another half hour I finally started to realize what just happened and got angry. So let me get this straight. I am looking for a new club so I could get some support, they promise me something in one year (maybe) and I accept? No. Impossible. Either he thought I was stupid either he lies in his sleep. In reality, I was not ready. Not in my worst nightmares did I even consider he would not let me go, so I had nothing prepared for a eventual refusal. Transfer period passed, next one 15 October - 15 November 2013. So I would have to wait until then, hoping somehow I would manage to get out of this predicament. Amazing. So began a very stressful summer. Fast forward again. Jun-Jul-Aug-Sep-Oct. Qualified for the Olympics. The moment I found out I was qualified it was the best feeling. I was in my room in Brasov. There was nobody else home. When I saw that position 468 I jumped up in celebration running around the house to find somebody to hug. Epic fail. I hugged my friend the pig in the end. Good enough. The celebration did not last long, because at about 5 minutes after I remembered my whole predicament, the offer I lost and the one that shall not be named. I thought to myself: 'Shit. I am qualified. He will never let me go now.' Of course I had the option to go there and actually talk about the new season, the Olympics and how we could start over. No way in hell :). Even if he offered me the triple of what anybody else would, I still would not ski for them. I do not work or operate under bad faith (to put it nicely).

   My salvation in the end was, yet again, Catalin Leonte. Same Catalin Leonte who helped me in the summer providing me with the wax and tools of the trade. He asked me about joining ASC Corona Brasov, club under his leadership. Yes of course....but the transfer. 'Leave that up to us.' I can proudly say that, today, after a whole summer of stress (in no small part because of the club), I am transferred.

   Skiing is a expensive sport. It can go from 5.000 to 50.000 euro a season, depending on your goals, your level, your ambitions, your possibilities. Every little bit helps. Bigger budget, bigger dreams, bigger possibilities. Today was the second biggest step since I resumed my career. Qualifying to the Olympics is the first.

   Thank you Catalin Leonte. Starting today, I am a part of the ASC Corona family. Feeling more confident than ever. One thing left to do.