So here it is. It
has been a long time since my last race. 8th April. Skiing is a
funny sport that way…weather plays such a big part in it. At the start of the
season you look in the calendar: ok so I am going to go to this race this race
and this race…plan B is this one and this one. Guess what? All of them were
cancelled. All around Europe. Even the plan B. But I do not subscribe to
coincidences. I believe that no matter how random things may appear…there is
still a plan. With this in mind, on the 13-16.01.2015 will be my first race of
the season in Zauchensee (AUT). This is also my debut in the European Cup (the Europa League of skiing). Less than one month to go to the World Champs in Beaver Creek. Jawohl.
Asadar suntem
aici. A trecut mult timp de la ultimul meu concurs pe 8 aprilie. Acesta este
sportul care l-am ales…conditiile meteorologice au un rol imens. La inceputul
fiecarui sezon te uiti in calendar: merg la cursa asta, asta, si asta iar apoi
daca ceva nu este in regula planul B este cursa asta si asta. Ei bine…totul s-a
anulat. Cu planul B in frunte. Dar eu nu cred in coincidente. Sunt de parere ca
indiferent cat de mult par lucrurile de aiurea…mereu exista un plan. Cu aceasta
mentalitate voi lua startul la Zauchensee (AUT) pe data de 13-16.01.2015. Prima cursa
a sezonului reprezinta si debutul meu in Cupa Europei (Europa League a schiului), cu mai putin de o luna
pana la Campionatele Mondiale din Beaver Creek. Jawohl.